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These rules can be modified at any point in time and punishments can be issued for things that aren’t listed at staff discretion

This server is 13+

T1 Punishments – Warning 🡪 15m Mute 🡪 30m Mute 🡪 1h Mute 🡪 6h Mute 🡪 12h Mute

Character Spam – Includes 8 or more characters at a time; „ooooooooooo“, „!!!!!!??????“ and „a a a a a a a a a a“.

Similar Message Spam – Repeating the same message over and over.

Foreign Languages – English is the only language allowed to be used in main chat. Other languages are allowed in private messages (/msg <player>).

Impersonation – This goes for players and staff impersonation. Pretending to be another player through similar nickname or by claiming to be them is strictly forbidden, this also includes impersonating a staff member or an ex-staff member.

Indirect Swearing – Swearing indirectly, not at another player, in public chat. Abbreviations („wtf“, „stfu“) are not allowed. This is punishable when the filter is bypassed.

Political or Religious Content – No discussions of politics or religion of any sorts. These discussions tend to get out of hand and escalate to drama and arguments. 

Repeatedly breaking these rules will result in permanent mute.

T2 Punishments – 30m Mute 🡪 1h Mute 🡪 3h Mute 🡪 1d Mute 🡪 3d Mute 🡪 7d Mute 

Inappropriate Chat – Obscene language, sexual remarks and content, and drug-related topics are prohibited. 

Direct Swearing – Swearing directly at another player. Abbreviations („f u“, „stfu“) are not allowed. This is punishable when the filter is bypassed.

    T3 Punishments – 1d Ban 🡪 3d Ban 🡪 7d Ban 🡪 14d Ban 🡪 Permanent Ban

Inappropriate Display – Any form of vulgar, sexual or drug-related content shown in a skin, items, builds or signs. These include displaying items visibly to others e.g. selling on /ah, displaying item or inventory in chat, displayed at a warp.

Griefing – Griefing is destroying or placing blocks within 30 blocks from a players claim. This also includes stealing or destroying by a trusted player. Claims that are within 30 blocks of another claim will be removed and go unpunished unless the claim was made with malicious intent. Mass destruction of the map and lava casting are also counted as griefing.

Server Disrespect – Direct disrespect to the server. This does not include constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the server. 

Player Disrespect – Direct disrespect to a player. Simply put, no bullying. Keep chat nice, be friendly and kind to all.

TP-Trapping and Killing – Teleporting a player to a place where user is trapped or tricked into a trap leading to their death. Trapping a player and making it so they can’t get out of there. Teleporting to a player and kill him without the other person agreeing to a pvp/fight.

In-Game Scamming – The misrepresentation of an item in auction house or in chat (eg. Naming an item and selling it as something it’s not), not paying the correct amount when trading or making a deal, this includes items and in-game money.

Bug Abuse – we welcome and reward when bugs are found and brought to our attention. If you use a bug as a loophole to take advantage of the gameplay, you will be held accountable

In-Real Life Trading – you may not sell your account or assets for real money or trading of any kind

T4 Punishments – 7d Ban 🡪 14d Ban 🡪 30d Ban 🡪 Permanent Ban

Malicious Modifications check out modifications list here

Harassment – Harassment is unwanted and repeated behavior towards another player. Harassment may include bullying, sending unwanted or abusive text messages, spreading misinformation and creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment to another player. Participating in a negative discussion about other players is also considered a form of harassment. If player asks you to leave them alone, you are to respect that. This includes asking a player to leave their claim and stop communication with and about them. Harassment violations will be taken seriously and will not be tolerated.

Discrimination – Any form of discrimination based on gender identity, sexuality or race is strictly forbidden. This also contains slurs, even those who are caught by the filter.

Encouraging Harm – Encouraging any form of harm on another player or themselves. Harm could include but is not limited to violence, illness, self-harm or suicide. This rule will be enforced both with direct and indirect encouragement of harm. 

Threats – Any instance of threats, including but not limited to threats of harm, violence or harassment.

Additional Rules

Advertising (Permanent Mute) – Sharing the IP address, the website address, a Discord link or another form of advertisement of another server. 

Inappropriate Username (30d Ban 🡪 Permanent Ban) – A username with sexual, racial or vulgar meaning. 

Ban evasion (30d Ban 🡪 Permanent Ban) – Joining the server on a different account when you have been banned will result in permanent ban.

Mute evasion (30d Mute 🡪 Permanent Mute) – Finding other ways to communicate when muted, such as with signs, will result in permanent mute.

Hacked Client (30d Ban 🡪 Permanent Ban)

Threatening to or actively doxing, DDOSing, harassing or blackmailing others, sharing personal information, or sending malicious links. Players are allowed to share what they are comfortable with other players, but under no circumstances are players allowed to share information about other players, however minimal the information is. The only one who is allowed to share a player’s information is the player himself.


Extreme bug abuse.


Staff will take the necessary actions to keep the server friendly and safe for all. The rules mentioned above are not a complete list but an example of what is not allowed and what is expected of players. Blacklists offenses go to higher-up staff, who will make the final decision on the punishment, if it is clear that they didn’t have malicious intents, the punishment might be adjusted. 





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